product details
Make your energy shine with this set of bracelets, named "Vital Glow," which will assist you in your health and well-being
journey. Physical and mental intention is fulfilled through these four crytal bracelets, making sure you have all the power to
be your best
Rainbow Moonstone: Harmonize your emotions, enhance feminine health, and increase your intuition level
Amethyst: Cleanse your body and mind, reduce stress, and bringinner peace.
Apatite: Boost motivation for healthy eating, metabolism, and support inself-healing
Garnet: Energize, increase physical strength, and improve blood circulattion.
The set of these four bracelets is harmonious visually and in meaning and is the perfect emblem for health and wellness.
Every attire will feel enriched just by wearing them as the vitalityof life itself and the health of the body and mind
Affirmation: "I am full of energy, healthy and happy, enhancing the quality of my life
Each bracelet is made of nature-selected crystals, where each bead is ofne-of-a-kind, so they can give uniqueness to your
attire. The qualities of these bracelets and the beauty of their creation them for the enhancement of personal
energy. Due to the natural stones, color and shades may varyslightly from stone to stone, thus making each one unique
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