product details
This Crystal Grid is designed to enhance intuition and provide guidance orone's spiritual journey. Placing this grid in your space
can help deepen your understanding of your spirtual path and connect more undly with your inner wisdom. It is perfect for
those seeking clarity and enlightenment in their spiritual pursuits
Sacred Geometry Meaning:
Metatron's Cube represents the flow of energy throughout the universe, embdying balance, harmony, and protection.
Crystals Used:
1) Focus Stone:
Labradorite is used as the Focus Stone to awaken one's intuitive abilitiesand psychic powers. It is particularly effective in
enhancing the connection to the higher self and the universe, providing insights and wisdom
2) Surrounding Stones:
Amethyst acts as a protective shield around the Focus Stone, known for itscalming and purifying effects. It helps to soothe the
mind and promote spiritual growth by clearing away negative thoughts andenergies
3) Amplifier Stones :
Clear Quartz serves as an amplifier within the grid, magnifying the energiother crystals and reinforcing the intentions set
It enhances mental clarity and is a powerful stone for manifesting and achleving goals
What Is A Crystal Grid?
Crystal grids are an arrangement energetically aligned crystals in a sacregeometric shape charged by an intention for the
purpose of manifestation.
Step-by-step Guide to Creating a Crystal Grid
Purify Your Space: Begin by burning sage or Palo Santo to cleanse the energy of your space, preparing it for the setup.
Set Your Intention: Write your intention on a piece of paper, fold it,and place it in the center of your crystal grid cloth.
Focus Your Intention: Take a deep breath, and either state your inttention aloud or visualize it clearly in your mind
Arrange the Stones: Start placing the stones on your crystal grid layout, eginning from the outer edges and moving towards the
center. Keep your intention focused throughout this process
Position the Center Crystal: Place your central crystal dire
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