product details
This Crystal Grid, named "Protection and Cleansing," is specifically craftshield against negative energies and purify your
environment. Placing this grid in your home or office can enhance protectiin and create a cleansed, positive space. It is perfect
for those seeking to maintain a clear and balanced environment.
Sacred Geometry Meaning:
The Seed of Life represents the core of creation, offering a powerful symbI for protection and spiritual renewal, encouraging the
flow of positive energy.
Crystals Used:
1) Focus Stone:
Hematite, as the Focus Stone, is renowned for its grounding and protectivequalities. It helps to absorb negative energy and
provides a strong defense against external negativity.
2) Surrounding Stones:
Black Tourmaline surrounds the Focus Stone to enhance its protective qualities. This stone is highly valued for its ability to
cleanse and convert negative energy into positive vibrations.
3) Amplifier Stones :
Clear Quartz acts as an amplifier within the grid, magnifying the protectienergies of the other crystals and solidifying the
intention of maintaining a clean and protected environment.
What Is A Crystal Grid?
Crystal grids are an arrangement energetically aligned crystals in a sacregeometric shape charged by an intention for the
purpose of manifestation
Step-by-step Guide to Creating a Crystal Grid
Purify Your Space: Begin by burning sage or Palo Santo to cleanse the eneergy of your space, preparing it for the setup
Set Your Intention:Write your intention on a piece of paper, fold it,and place it in the center of your crystal grid cloth.
Focus Your Intention: Take a deep breath, and either state your intention aloud or visualize it clearly in your mind.
Arrange the Stones: Start placing the stones on your crystal grid layout, ginning from the outer edges and moving towards the
center. Keep your intention focused throughout this process.
Position the Center Crystal: Place your central crystal directly on topp of your folded intention paper
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